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The name Skeptic Fox honors my Humanist lineage.

Tarot: a non-judgemental perspective through archetypes, nature, and numbers.

Wayfinding through Tarot has been passed down to me from a long line of seers and intuitive healers from Eastern European and Scottish heritage.

I have served the public as a card reader since 2012, though my practice of interpreting the cards started twenty years earlier in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. The ancient hills in this area of the world taught me to listen to the elements, and honor the wisdom of spirit. I am passionate about sharing the tools of Astrology, and all my Tarot Readings include Astro-based insights.

illustrative readings

I read from contemporary decks which are gender neutral, and filled with flora and fauna. Imagery allows the right side of the brain to engage, and creativity to flow.

what to expect

We read a pattern of cards, or Spread, to illuminate your story. Unconscious and conscious themes roots and connections to the physical realm are brought to light. Tarot is especially helpful for cloudy moments in life: too many choices, lack of focus, indecision.

Personal readings are available either in person or virtually. Fawn has brought her readings to art openings, retreats, and warehouse parties for groups of 100+.